Health Screening Program

The healthcare system in Nigeria and the health status of Nigerians are in a deplorable state. Nigeria’s overall health system performance was ranked 187th position among the 191 Member States of the World Health Organization in 2017. Health status indicators are worse than the average for sub-Saharan Africa.

In Nigeria over 70% of inhabitants live in rural communities, yet, the area has not attracted sufficient health facilities/projects that would substantially improve the health need of the rural dwellers. Apart from this, most of the health infrastructural facilities are concentrated in urban areas to the neglect of rural areas, and the few health facility located in the rural areas are not functioning effectively 

 JF Community Center provides health care to elderly community members in Dikenafai and neighbouring communities through health screenings, education and maintenance programs for those with chronic and endemic diseases. Free medication will be provided and continual monitoring and testing will be performed. 


1.     Blood pressure checking/monitoring 

2.    Blood sugar monitoring 

3.    Hepatitis Screening 

4.    Eye screening 

5.    HIV screening